One of Adelaide's most desirable places to live, work and visit.
Caring for our communities and fostering participation in community and civic life.
Pursuing initiatives that improve our environment and protect our resources.
Growing a strong local economy and encouraging investment.
Providing a range of services to meet the needs of the community.
Applying sustainable and environmentally responsible approaches to development.
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The Gallery curates a program of events, tours, talks and workshops designed to engage, inspire and promote cultural awareness and connection with arts and culture.You can use this form to express your interest in exhibiting with us.Completing and submitting this form cannot guarantee an exhibition outcome.
Upload your CV and Artist Statement. If you are applying for a group exhibition, please save participating artist's CV's and Artist Statements in a Zip File and upload when prompted.
For gallery dimensions and specifications please refer to the gallery floorplan.
Due to file size upload limits, we suggest you use Dropbox to share your image files with us. Please provide Dropbox folder link(s) below.Please ensure you label your image files as follows: Artist name, title, year created, medium, dimensions, complete or in progress.
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