Compliance & Inspections
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The Council monitors and enforces compliance with the Planning, Development & Infrastructure Act 2016, development authorisations and outdoor dining permits.
South Australia’s planning system and ePlanning Portal came into effect on 19 March 2021.
For more information about the system, visit
The Council has a number of inspection and enforcement functions, to ensure that all development is constructed and approved in accordance with the relevant development authorisations, codes and standards.
If you have reason to believe that a development has been undertaken without development approval, or at variance with an approval, please notify the Council’s Urban Planning & Environment Department by calling 08 8366 4530 or by email at
What the Council inspects
The Council’s Urban Planning & Environment team conduct inspections and enforce compliance with the following:
- building work and development (including changes of land use) that are undertaken without approval
- building work and development that is constructed or undertaken, which is inconsistent with the relevant development approval
- building work and development that has not been undertaken in accordance with any conditions of consent as set out in the relevant development approval
- variances with outdoor dining permits
- building fire safety.
Enforcement actions
Enforcement action may range from negotiated outcomes, warning letters, expiations, penalty notices and in the most significant cases, criminal prosecutions.
Find out more

Building Inspections and Notifications

Random Compliance Inspections

Building Fire Safety Committee

Local Nuisance and Litter Control