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Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in NPSP


Call 000 if you suspect someone is in cardiac arrest. The operator will send an ambulance and will be able to direct you to the nearest AED.

The Council has installed two 24-hour accessible AEDs in two of its busiest locations. The AEDs are located at:

AEDs are also located at the following Council facilities and are accessible to the public during opening hours:

An AED (sometimes called a defibrillator or a ‘defib’) can be used to treat a person who is in cardiac arrest (meaning their heart has stopped). The AED will deliver an electric shock to the heart to try and resume a normal heart rhythm. If a person is in cardiac arrest, using an AED on them before the ambulance arrives can increase their chance of survival.

All defibrillators owned by the Council are registered with the South Australian Ambulance Service so that if a person calls 000, the operator can guide the caller to the nearest AED.

The Council encourages local traders and organisation with AEDs to register them with the South Australian Ambulance Service at