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Regional Subsidiaries

The City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters has the following regional subsidiaries, established under Section 43 of the Local Government Act 1999.

Eastern Health Authority 

The Eastern Health Authority (EHA) provides public and environmental health services on behalf of its Constituent Councils (owners): the Cities of Norwood Payneham & St Peters, Burnside, Prospect, Campbelltown City Council and the Town of Walkerville.

The Authority ensures that its Constituent Councils meet their wide range of legislative responsibilities which relate to environmental health and which are mandated in a number of pieces of legislation, the most important of these being the Public and Environmental Health Act 1987, the Food Act 2001 and the Supported Residential Facilities Act 1992.

The Eastern Health Authority is overseen by a Board comprised of Elected Members and staff from each of the Constituent Councils. 

For more information, visit: Eastern Health Authority (EHA)

ERA Water

Eastern Region Alliance Water (ERA Water) is a joint venture between the City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters, City of Burnside and the Town of Walkerville in the provision of recycled stormwater for use to irrigate reserves and open spaces in the eastern suburbs of Adelaide.

ERA Water is responsible for implementing the Waterproofing Eastern Adelaide Project which involves the establishment of wetlands, aquifer recharge and recovery, pipeline installations and water storage facilities. The project harvests stormwater and cleans the stormwater through wetlands and biofilters and UV light treatment and injects the cleaned stormwater into aquifers from which Councils can withdraw water in summer to irrigate Council parks and reserves.

For more information, visit: ERA Water

East Waste

The Eastern Waste Management Authority (East Waste) provides at-cost kerbside waste collection services to its Constituent Councils.

The membership base (owners) of East Waste comprise of the Cities of Norwood Payneham & St Peters, Burnside, Mitcham, Prospect, Campbelltown City Council, Town of Walkerville and the Adelaide Hills Council.

For more information, visit: East Waste

Highbury Landfill Authority

The City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters is one of three member Councils of the Highbury Landfill Authority (HLA). The other member Councils are The Town of Walkerville and The City of Burnside.

The Authority is responsible for the post-closure management of the Highbury Landfill previously used by the Councils through East Waste as their waste landfill. Significant ongoing activities undertaken by the HLA, include the monitoring and harvesting of landfill gases and the monitoring of groundwater contamination and leachates from the landfill.