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Elected Member Training & Development Policy

Elected Members Register of Interests

Under Section 70(a1) of Local Government Act 1999, the Council must publish the Register of Interest on its website.

Section 70(a2) provides that the following details are not published:

>  a person’s residential address

>  any other address supressed from the Register under section 68(4)(a).

This new legislative requirement came into operation on 10 November 2021 and relates to information contained in the Register of current members of Council.

The Register of Interest contains Elected Member primary and ordinary returns. A primary return is completed by the new Elected Member following their election. An ordinary return is completed by ongoing Elected Members.

Emergency/Disaster Donations Policy

Enforcement Policy

Fees and Charges (all fees and charges)

Fees and charges are determined annually through the budget preparation process.

Financial Hardship - COVID-19 Policy

Financial Hardship Policy

Food Secrets of Glynde

Food Secrets of Glynde shines a spotlight on the many food and beverage manufacturers in Glynde.

Find out more >

Footpaths and Driveway Crossovers Policy

Fraud, Corruption, Misconduct & Maladministration Prevention Policy

Freedom of Information Statement

Gifts & Benefits Register - Elected Members

The City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters records all gifts and benefits received by Elected Members. The Register is updated on a quarterly basis.

The Local Government Act 1999 requires that gifts and benefits received by Council Members be recorded on a register, which is to be made publicly available on Council’s website.

For the purposes of section 72A(2) of the Local Government Act 1999, the threshold amount governing when a gift or benefit must be registered is gazetted at $50 (notice appeared in the Government Gazette No. 79 on 17 November 2022).

Gifts & Benefits Register - Employee

The City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters records all gifts and benefits received by employees.

The Staff Gifts and Benefit Register is updated on a quarterly basis.

Pursuant to Section 110 (1) of the Local Government Act 1999, the Code of Conduct for Employees became operational from 13 February 2014.

The Code requires that gifts and benefits received by employees be recorded on a gifts and benefits register and to publish this information at the end of each quarter.

The Code of Conduct for Employees specifies the following:

Gifts and benefits:

2.19 Council employees must not:

2.19.1 Seek gifts or benefits of any kind;

2.19.2 Accept any gift or benefit that may reasonably create a sense of obligation on their part or may be reasonably perceived to be intended to or would reasonably be likely to influence them in carrying out their public duty; and

2.19.3 Accept any gift or benefit from any person who is in, or who seeks to be in, any contractual relationship with the Council.

2.20 Notwithstanding Code 2.19.3, Council employees may accept hospitality provided in the context of performing their duties, including:

2.20.1 Free or subsidised meals, beverages or refreshments of reasonable value provided in conjunction with: Council work related events such as training, education sessions workshops and conferences; Council functions or events; Social functions organised by groups such as Council committees and community organisations.

2.20.2 Invitations to, and attendance at, local social, cultural or sporting events.

2.21 Where any Council employee receives a gift or benefit of more than a value published in the Government Gazette by the Minister from time to time, details of each gift or benefit must be recorded within a gifts and benefits register maintained and updated quarterly by the Council’s Chief Executive Officer. This register must be made available for inspection at the principal office of the Council and on the Council website.

Hard Waste & E-waste Collection Brochure

Residential Hard & Electronic Waste Collection Service - Book your collection.

Hoarding Extension Permit Form