Victoria McFarlane
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Profile and contact
Cr Victoria McFarlane
I love the City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters (NPSP) and am privileged to represent the Ward of Maylands and Trinity Gardens.
I have a background in finance, governance, business operations, facility and asset management, and climate change in the private and not-for-profit sectors. I aim to use my skills to build continuous improvement in the way we maintain our public assets and deliver our services. When it comes to capital investment in major projects, I want to ensure our investments meet the needs and aspirations of the community, yield enduring and tangible benefits, and get delivered in a transparent manner, on time, and within budget.
Connecting with and advocating for our residents, community groups, and local businesses was my motivation for running for local government. I love to build collaborative relationships and seek out business development opportunities to help our community to thrive. I am excited to be part of a group of people whose motivation is to build community spirit to reduce social isolation and improve our sense of well-being and belonging.
I am pleased to have been elected to the Council’s Business & Economic Development Committee, the Norwood Parade Precinct Committee, and also as the Council’s appointed Deputy Board Member of the East Waste Board.
If you see me out and about in our great City enjoying a meal at one of our awesome eateries, walking my dog Harry or if I can help in any way, please get in touch.
Cr Victoria McFarlane
M: 0406 385 054