Parking Fines & Appeals
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Be sure to check parking restrictions and observe time limits to avoid a parking fine.
Council staff are authorised to issue expiation notices in accordance with the requirements of relevant legislations.
View your parking fine
If you have received a parking fine, you can view the expiation notice details including any photos that may have been taken. This information can help you decide on what action to take to resolve your fine.
What do I need to search for my fine?
You will need the following:
- expiation notice number
- vehicle registration number.
If you have lost your expiation notice, please contact our Citizen Services Team on 08 8366 4555.
Why don't I have any photos?
If the expiation details are showing without any photos, it is most likely that the Officer has not taken any on this occasion. Officers are not required to take photos by law.
The fine is still valid if there are no photos.
Why is my search showing 'no results found'?
If you have received a fine in the last 24 hours, the information may not be in our system yet.
Fees and payment options
Parking expiation fees including late payment fees, are set by the State Government and apply to all Councils. The Council must charge the fee associated with the alleged offence.
Instalment options
If you are unable to pay the parking expiation fee in full, you can request a payment arrangement with the South Australian Fines Enforcement and Recovery Unit.
For more information or to request a payment arrangement, visit: Fines Enforcement and Recovery Unit or call 1800 659 538.
How to pay your fine
Parking expiation fees must be paid to the City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters in full by the due date on the expiation notice.
If payment is not received within the required timeframe, a reminder notice will be issued with a late fee applied. The Reminder Fee is set in accordance with the Expiation of Offences Regulations 2011 and assists with recovering the costs associated with obtaining the registered owner’s details and the associated administration of issuing a Reminder Notice.
To pay a parking expiation in full, visit:
Appeals process
The Act sets out the legal basis under which an Expiation Notice can be withdrawn.
How to request a review of a parking expiation notice
On occasion, there may be valid grounds for an expiation notice to be withdrawn. Prior to a notice being withdrawn, a review must be undertaken.
To lodge an appeal, please complete and submit the online Review of Expiation Notice Form by clicking on the button below.
If you were not the driver at the time of the offence, please read the information below.
Submit an online application form:
Alternatively, you can download and complete: Review of Expiation Notice Form
You were not the driver at the time of the offence
The Department of Infrastructure and Transport has changed the Road Traffic Act 1961 to introduce Nominations in place of Statutory Declarations.
If you own the vehicle but were not driving the vehicle at the time of the offence, you must provide us with a completed Nomination Form.
A Nomination is not required to be witnessed by a JP.
Completed Nominations can be emailed to
Under section 174A (13) of the Road Traffic Act 1961, there is a maximum penalty of $25,000 or four (4) years imprisonment for making a statement that is false or misleading in a material particular, when making a nomination. You may be asked to make a statutory declaration to verify any information in this nomination.
What happens after I submit a Review of Expiation Notice?
Upon receipt of your appeal, the expiation notice will be put 'on hold' pending an internal review.
Once a decision has been made by the Council, you will be advised of the outcome in writing via your preferred method of contact.
Parking expiation reviews are carried out in accordance with the Expiation of Offences Act 1996
What happens if I ignore an expiation notice?
After the due by date has passed, the Council will send a reminder notice with a reminder fee applied to the registered owner of the vehicle.
If payment has not been received by the due date of the reminder notice, the matter will be referred to the Fines Enforcement and Recovery Unit.
For more information, visit: Fines Enforcement and Recovery Unit
Relevant legislation
T: 08 8366 4555
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